All teams are required to carry accidental insurance coverage for the players, coaches, and manager of their respective teams. A copy of insurance coverage must be submitted to the tournament director or his staff prior to the start of the tournament.
Official rules follow those used by the Illinois High School Association with the exception of the modifications spelled out in this document.
1. A player cannot turn the next age level before May 1st, 2023. Teams must have available a copy of each player’s birth certificate at all times throughout the tournament.
2. Rosters with birth dates must be turned in to tournament director prior to the start of the tournament. There will be No changes to the original Roster, once submitted to the tournament director. A team found using an ineligible player will forfeit all games the ineligible player played in.
3. All players must wear protective athletic supporter and hard cup.
4. All base runners must wear a batting helmet.
5. Metal cleats are only permitted for the 13U/14U age groups.
6. Glen Ellyn Park District has a No Smoking / Smokeless tobacco / Alcohol policy.
7. There are no gate fees. The tournament will provide baseballs for all games.
8. Only players in uniform, manager, coaches and scorekeeper are allowed in the dugout.
9. Dugouts are selected on a first come, first select basis. In Pool Play, the Home team will be determined by a coin flip before the game. In Seeded Rounds, the higher seed will be the Home Team.
10. Umpires decisions are official and final. No protests of any type.
11. No un-sportsmanship like conduct will be allowed. You will be removed from the park and asked not to return for the balance of the weekend. Players ejected, will result in an out during their turn in batting order. Coaches or parents ejected, will result in their player also being ejected. If coach does not have a player, the pithcer of record will be ejected.
12. A courtesy runner may be used at any time for the pitcher or catcher of the next inning (mandatory for catcher if there are 2 outs). The runner will be the player that made the most recently batted out. Penalty: A team caught using a courtesy runner for a pitcher or catcher that does not enter the following inning will start their next offensive inning with an out for each improper runner used during the previous inning.
13. If a game is called for any reason, it is a complete game if three (3) innings have been completed or two & a half (2 ½) innings if the Home Team is ahead.
14. Slaughter Rule will be defined as:
a. 15 runs after 3 complete innings (2½ if home team is ahead)
b. 12 runs after 4 complete innings (3½ if home team is ahead)
c. 10 runs after 5 complete innings (4½ if home team is ahead)
15. Ties WILL BE allowed in pool play. Bracket Play: If game is tied after regulation then teams will play California Rules to determine winner. Each extra inning will start with one out and last batted out of previous inning on second base. All batters will start with a 1-1 count.
16. Each team must provide a scorekeeper. Before the start of the game, each manager must provide the opposing manager with a completed batting order for that game. This must include the player’s last name and jersey number. Scorekeepers should check with each other to verify the score at the end of each inning.
17. Runners should slide or seek to avoid contact with the fielder. If in the umpire’s judgment the runner intentionally and/or maliciously makes contact with a fielder, that runner will be called out and may be ejected from the game at the umpire’s discretion. Rule interpretation made by umpire is final.
18. Any team found by the umpire to be unfairly stalling in order to manipulate the time limit rules will be penalized by awarding 1 run to the opposing team before the start of the next
inning. A warning will be issued by the umpire before awarding said run.
19. A team found violating any pitching rules/restrictions will result in ejection of the pitcher. There is 1 warning for breaking balls at disallowed ages, this is at the umpires discretion.
20. One out is considered 1/3 of an inning. The manager or coach must remove a pitcher on the second trip to the mound in an inning.
21. A pitcher hitting two (2) batters with a pitched ball in an inning or three (3) in a game must be removed from the game as pitcher.
22. No time limit restrictions on semi-final and championship games.
23. All non-wood bats must be stamped BPF 1.15 or BBCOR.
24. An intentional walk may take place by informing the umpire. Managers must report all pitching changes to the umpire and official scorer.
25. Unlimited substitutions are permitted except for the pitcher, who once removed cannot be reinserted as the pitcher in that game.
26. This tournament will use a continuous batting order for the players on each team roster. All players attending the game must bat. If a player arrives after the official start of the game, he must be put at the bottom of the batting order and his manager must notify the opposing team’s manager. Maximum roster of 15 players. Minimum eight (8) players are needed to avoid forfeiture of a game.
27. A forfeit game will be scored 7-0.
28. Batters who show bunt and then swing will be called out AND will be immediately ejected from the game. NO WARNING. The player’s spot in the batting order will be an automatic out for the remainder of the game.
29. No Chanting, Singing, Distractive Noises or Defensive Chatter allowed once the pitcher begins his wind-up or if pitching from the stretch, comes to the set position.
30. No Pre-Game Warm-Ups on the infield. You may warm up in outfield, time permitting.
31. Final standings in each division will be determined by the QuickScores ranking. Please see the game schedule/brackets for the specific age group for any alterations. If none are listed for the specific age group, the standings will be determined by:
a. Overall Won-Loss Record
b. Head to Head (does not apply if more than 2 teams tied)
c. Fewest Runs Allowed
d. Runs Scored
e. Coin Toss
32. The designated Home Team must submit a completed Game Scoring Form and pitching log at the end of each game to the tournament representative at the field and it shall be considered the official record of the game. Both forms must be signed by both managers before being submitted.
33. Umpires have been instructed to start games promptly. Pitchers should warm up on the sidelines when waiting for the next game. After the game, please leave your dugouts promptly removing all trash and conduct your post game talk outside the field. All teams should be ready to play 30 minutes prior to their scheduled game time.
34. If lightning occurs, the umpire shall halt play and immediately clear the field and dugouts. Play shall be suspended a minimum of 15 minutes from the last lightning strike. If a game is delayed more than 50 minutes (consecutive or intermittent) and it can be classified as a “complete game” per the rules, tournament officials reserve the right to consider it a complete game.
35. Campers, RV’s, Trailers, etc. are prohibited from using parking lots during the tournament.
36. Grilling (gas or charcoal), is prohibited on park grounds during the tournament.
37. Tournament host and park owners are not responsible for damage or injury. Enter the park at your own risk. DO NOT park on grass areas of complex.
38. Rules Based on Age Group:
Rule | 9U | 10U | 11U | 12U | 13U | 14U |
Innings (Championship) | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 (7) | 6 (7) |
Base Distance | 60 ft. | 65 ft. | 70 ft. | 70 ft. | 80 ft. | 90 ft. |
Pitching Distance | 46 ft. | 46 ft. | 50 ft. | 50 ft. | 54 ft. | 60 ft. 6 in. |
Pitching – Max Innings Per Game | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | Coaches Discretion |
Pitching – Max Innings Per Day | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Pitching – Max Innings (Outs) For Tournament | 8 innings – 24 outs | 8 innings – 24 outs | 10 innings – 30 outs | 10 innings – 30 outs | 10 innings – 30 outs | None |
No New Inning After | 1 hr. 45 min. | 1 hr. 45 min. | 1 hr. 45 min. | 1 hr. 45 min. | 1 hr. 45 min. | 1 hr. 45 min. |
Balks | No | Yes – 1 Warning | Yes – 1 Warning | Yes – 1 Warning | Yes – No Warning | Yes – No Warning |
Breaking Balls Allowed – 1 Warning | No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Infield Fly | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Dropped Third Strike | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Leadoffs | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Stealing Allowed | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Delayed Steals | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Stealing Home | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Additional 9U Rules:
• Runners may not leave the base until the ball crosses the plate. Penalty: 1 warning per team and then the runner will be called out. The result of the pitch shall be considered a dead ball/no pitch for both the warning and the penalty out.
• No Stealing Home. No advancing home on any steal throws (or steal overthrows or pickoff attempts). Runners on third base may only advance home on a batted ball (or continuation of a batted ball play), or a bases loaded walk/hit by pitch.
39. Glen Ellyn Rebels and the tournament staff reserve the right to enforce, clarify, alter or modify any of the above rules prior to or during this Tournament. Every reasonable effort will be made to keep the tournament going, however in the case of inclement weather, the Tournament Director reserves the right to do one or more of the following:
1.) Move games to other days, times or locations.
2.) Reduce the length or number of games.
3.) Cancel games. If no games are played, we will refund all money except a $200 tournament fee. No refund will be issued once your team has played a game.