With the season nearly upon us, here are the answers to a few of the questions that we get on a regular basis.
When is the registration deadline?
The regular registration deadline is February 12th for T-Ball 1 through Pony leagues. Beginning February 13th, registration will remain open if players are needed to fill teams and may close at any time. Beginning February 13th, late fees will also apply.
I missed the registration deadline, can I still get my child into the program?
When registration closes, any further registrations are automatically placed on the waitlist. Staff then evaluates program registrations, including the waitlists to determine if additional spots might be available. Factors considered include whether or not additional coaches are available, facility space is available, and what the impact may be on roster sizes. If spots become available, parents will be contacted by registration staff to let them know that they have been placed into the program.
We made a request for our child to be placed on a team with his friends and/or with a specific coach. Is that a possibility?
The only guarantee is that the Head Coach and one Assistant Coach will have their children placed together. For T-Ball through Shetland, we then try to place participants with other players from their school (as noted below). While the requests will be looked at, a variety of factors preclude us from being able to honor all of them.
Team Formation Guidelines:
- TBall 1 & 2 (Pre-K/Kindergarten) – Teams grouped together by schools as evenly as possible with no restrictions as to the number of players from a given school.
- Bantam (1st Grade) – Teams grouped together by schools as evenly as possible with no restrictions as to the number of players from a given school.
- Shetland (2nd Grade) – Teams grouped together by schools with no more than approximately ½ of the roster from any given school.
- Maverick/Stallion/Mustang (3rd Grade, 4th Grade & 5th/6th Grades) – Teams will be formed via draft.
- Pony (7th/8th Grade) – Teams will be formed via draft.
But Johnny and nine of his closest friends were really looking forward to playing with each other and for Coach (insert coach’s name) and (insert reason). Can’t they just all be placed on a team together?
Unfortunately, we have probably been too lenient and accommodating with regards to requests over the years. It is the number one complaint that we receive year in and year out. We have tried our best but it inevitably has led to Johnny requesting to play with Stevie requesting to play with George and so on to the point that in some instances, the requests outnumbered the roster spots that we allot each team.
We registered in January and have not heard from a coach yet. When will we be notified?
Coaches will receive rosters (T-Ball 1 through Shetland) and/or complete their draft (Maverick, Stallion, Mustang & Pony) by the third week in March. After that point, they are asked to contact their players no later than the beginning of Spring Break.
Evaluations are held for the Maverick, Stallion, Mustang and Pony leagues for players in 3rd-8th grade. Evaluations are not try-outs and are just one tool that coaches use in order to help draft their team. Evaluations are held at the Ackerman Sports & Fitness Center. Please arrive no later than 30 minutes after the listed start time below.
Sunday, February 19 | ||
Maverick (Grade 3) | Last name letters A-K | 9:00am |
Stallion (Grade 4) | Last name letters A-K | 9:00am |
Mustang (Grades 5/6) | Last name letters A-K | 9:00am |
Pony (Grades 7/8) | All | 11:15am |
Sunday, February 26 | ||
Maverick (Grade 3) | Last name letters L-Z | 9:00am |
Stallion (Grade 4) | Last name letters L-Z | 9:00am |
Mustang (Grades 5/6) | Last name letters L-Z | 9:00am |
When do practices begin?
Practices will begin the week of April 3rd.
When do games begin?
Games for T-Ball 1 through Bantam will begin on Saturday, April 22nd. Games for Shetland, Maverick, Stallion, Mustang and Pony will begin April 15th.
How long does the season last?
All leagues will run through late June.
When are practices and games?
Unlike instructional programs which have very specific days and times, by nature, due to the large number of participants and teams, leagues (including Glen Ellyn Youth Baseball) have a very different structure.
Games and practices are held at Village Green Park, as well as other local parks and schools depending on the volunteer coach’s schedule and facility availability. Practices are generally held once per week (Monday-Friday) in the evening, with games played on Saturdays. Game schedules are dependent on the number of teams at any given level, but will start as early as 8am for the 1st and 2nd grade leagues, followed by the older leagues throughout the day, into early evening. As is common with league play, game times may vary from week to week as teams play different opponents.
When will game schedules be available?
It is expected that schedules will be available the week of April 3rd. They will be posted online, along with all other league information at: www.glenellynbaseball.com