House League Player Evaluation Form
This is the player evaluation form for house league players to be filled out by managers only. The evaluations help us tremendously as we put together teams for the following season and help us evaluate progress in talent development made by the program
Please use 10 as the highest and 1 as the lowest. Please be sure to add as many details as possible to the comments field for each player.
Some Guidelines:
Hitting: Do they have a proper stance? Do they make solid contact? Do they understand the strike zone?
Throwing: Do they make accurate throws? Do they consistently throw hard or do they just lob it sometimes? Do they have good arm strength?
Fielding: Do they get in a good fielding position? Do they field the ball cleanly? Can they catch a popup or fly ball?
Pitching: Do they have a good motion? Do they consistently throw strikes?
Catching: Do they catch it consistently? Do they block balls in the dirt? Can they make the throw to second?
Knowledge of the Game: Do they understand the rules? Are they aware of game situations? Do they know where to throw the ball? When to run?
Attentiveness: Are they paying attention in the field? Do they listen to the coaches?
Attitude: Are they a good teammate? Do they treat the coaches, teammates and other team’s players with respect? Do they stay positive when the team is losing?